Balsamic Reduction

balsamic reduction

I like to call this balsamic reduction "liquid gold".  When you reduce balsamic vinegar, it becomes a thicker, sweeter version of itself & is amazing to add to almost anything to add an extra dimension of flavor.  

The great news is that this reduction is delicious on both savory & sweet dishes.  Try it drizzled over grilled fruit, these lemon cookies, tomatoes & basil or a variety of meats.  It's also the perfect addition to my Paleo Flatbread Pizza.

balsamic reduction 2

Balsamic Reduction


 1 cup organic balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon honey


in an all metal saucepan, heat vinegar & honey to a boil.  turn down heat to simmer immediately.  there should be small bubbles on the sides of pan the entire time it simmers.

simmer 15 minutes or so until vinegar has reduced & coats the back of a metal spoon.

allow it to cool & store in a glass jar in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks {it won't last that long!}

serve on this paleo flatbread pizza.  

Love, Cara