Week Long Menu


What’s for dinner this week?

I’m asked all the time how I prepare dinner for our family every day.  The truth is, I don’t.  There are days when I am so overwhelmed, busy or tired, I find a healthy, pre-made purchased dinner.  However, that really doesn’t happen very often because long ago I discovered the importance of planning ahead.  Let’s face it, we are all busy.  Whether you have multiple kids in multiple activities or you are an empty nester, society as a whole moves at a faster pace than it did 50 years ago.

Feeding my family healthy, quality food is super important to me, so in order to get this done even on days when there is no time to cook, I take a look at my calendar a week ahead & plan what meals I will make.  This helps me save time & make minimal trips to the grocery store.  I also prep & cook ahead if possible.  I usually spend a couple of hours every Sunday preparing meals & washing & cutting veggies & fruits so they are ready for the week ahead.

If this is a new concept, you may feel overwhelmed by the thought of spending a couple of hours on a weekend in the kitchen, but it is so worth it when at the end of the day you can just re-heat a meal or cook your family's dinner super quick because everything is ready to go. 

Serve this menu in any order you want to.  Figure out what works for you & make it your own!

Here are the meals on this week's nourishing menu:   Pulled Pork Tenderloin stuffed sweet potatoes, Chermoula Shrimp with Zucchini, Simple Italian Chicken & Spaghetti Squash, Bacon Wrapped Meatballs with Spicy Mint Chutney, Turkey Taco Soup

Grocery List & Directions

Click HERE for the grocery list for this week

Click HERE for prep directions to get your week's work of nourishment ready in one day

Love, Cara